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Cross Training  and Worship

Running Machine

"Wring out the sponges"

Cross Training is our opportunity to provide assistance to you, the group leader, in the area of discipleship and devotions. In order for your group to be able to "wring out the sponges" of God's love in active missions, their sponges must be full! Our desire is to provide time in your busy group schedule to come together to study God's Word and grow personally and corporately. We will provide you with devotion (Cross Training) booklets and teacher outlines to guide you and your group through this time. This Cross Training devotional booklet will tie in to the week's messages, so please use these to encourage your students in their walk with Christ. We recommend that you use the designated time that is pre-built into your schedule, but we will leave that time decision to you.

Gathering Sessions

An exciting and inspiring worship gathering will take place on Sunday night,Tuesday afternoon, and Thursday afternoon. This time will consist of corporate worship through singing and a short talk led by the IMPACT staff. Personal testimonies of the week experience will be encouraged in the Thursday afternoon worship gathering and a summer missionary love offering will be received. The worship gathering will be dismissed into church group time for further discussion of the Scripture presented in the gathering. This will also be a great time for group leaders to do a debriefing of their ministry experience. Groups may also use this time to "do" their cross-training devotion because of the extended time-frame.

During The Sessions

We strongly encourage you to take an active role in both of these opportunities. Make sure your group is ON TIME and member has their BIBLE IN HAND for this exciting time of the day. Please help us make sure your students are appropriately dressed and are active in this experience. We encourage adults from each group to sit with their students to ensure proper conduct and behavior during this worshipful time. These worship gatherings will enhance your mission experience and provide opportunities for life-changing moments for your students as well as your adults.

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