Day Camps & Night Camps
Youth Leading
Youth are capable of leading all phases of Day Camps and are encouraged to do so under adequate adult supervision. Over-planning and flexibility are essential to the success of Day Camps for campers and groups. In this setting, evangelism needs to be one-on-one. It is imperative that no undue pressure is put on any child. You are seed planters!!!
Multi-Housing location
These are either low income or government-subsidized housing. They all have either a meeting room or outside area where activities can be conducted. In the Multi-Housing location, we try to conduct a Day Camp at least twice at each of the following locations.
For effective communication to all of the children, place them in groups according to ageand/or grade. Share age-appropriate stories from memory. Use variety in your presentations by including puppets, clowns, skits, etc. in order to keep the children interested. You can also use songs that relate directly to the story for further reinforcement.
Day Camps, Night Camps, and Fun Camps
Day Camps are conducted in campgrounds, Monday through Friday, from 9:00am-11:00am. They are for children ages 4-12. Night Camps are held in communities, Sunday through Thursday, from 6:30pm-8:00pm. They are for children ages 4-12, but you should expect children of all ages from infants to high school age to attend. Fun Camps are conducted in communities, during the school year, after kids get home from school in the afternoon. They are for children ages 4-12, but you should expect children of all ages from infants to high school age to attend.
What Is Required
Day camps must include a Bible lesson, and may also include music, games, crafts, and recreation. Drinks and snacks should be served during break time. Groups are responsible for providing all Day Camp materials, craft supplies, refreshments, and publicity. (Bringballs, sidewalk-chalk, bubbles, frisbees, etc.)
Day Camps are
Not Vacation
Bible Schools, not Backyard Bible Clubs.
They are DAY CAMPS!
Campground Location
Day Camps are conducted in designated locations in campgrounds. The campgrounds range from primitive tent camping, RV's, and rentals. Families from all over come to these campgrounds and you can have the amazing opportunity to serve them.
Crafts can be an effective way of introducing Christ to children. Have all parts of the craft pre-cut and ready to be assembled by the children. You can use crafts that relate to the day’s Bible story or that double as the day’s snack. Please avoid using very light-weight materials as they have a tendency to blow away in the wind. Be sure to bring all materials needed for each craft, as well as any items needed for clean-up.